Reflecting on 2024

I did this last year, it was fun, so let's do it again.
As I sit down to write my yearly review this year, I feel an immense amount of gratitude and optimism for the year ahead. Whilst this year wasn't without challenges, there were a huge number of personal and professional milestones I encountered, equipping me with lots of hope for a successful 2025.
Highlights of 2024
- Took on two new design contracts — both under wraps for now, sorry
- Attended design conferences — met lots of great people at design conferences and meetups
- Travelled well — Venice, San Francisco, New York, Berlin, and Amsterdam
- Made new connections — and got closer to love
- Grew — from 90K visits in 2023 to 200K (138%) visits in 2024
- Wrote more — continued the practice of journalling and writing regularly
- Got physically stronger — continued building physical health
- Got mentally stronger — continued therapy and learning more about myself
Themes for 2025
- Make more room for play
- Pursue more offline passion projects
- Continue to deepen existing relationships
- Lean into my creative self more
- Nurture my relationship with myself
This year, I learned that of all the relationships, my relationship with myself is the most important. Through a more regular journalling practice, I've come back closer to myself and am prioritising my life vision and what I want my life to look like with more scrutiny.
- Embracing imperfection as a process
I want to embrace more discomfort and imperfection through mistakes, join more in-person clubs and courses, meet more people, and pursue more intangibles—things that don't have a measure or guide for what success means.
- Focus on immeasurables
This year it became more apparent to me that life's best experiences—love, joy, creativity—are all things that can't be measured. Whilst success comes from goals, I want to find a way of living with fewer numbers and prescribed outcomes for happiness and success.
Ironically, many of these were also intentions last year, so slightly more awareness and regular check-ins are required this year to stay accountable.
That's it! It's been an incredible year, and I know next year will be an adventure too. If I met you this year, it's been a pleasure getting to know you.
2025 is going to be the best year of our lives. Trust me on this one.